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Weekly Scripture Reading: Leviticus 22-Numbers 1

The Feasts of the LORD

I love how God works to do things in His own timing and His own way! According to my original reading schedule, the topic of the The Feasts of the LORD should have been a small section in a bigger chunk of Scripture. In fact, if I had followed my original reading schedule, what I wrote about last week's reading would have probably taken precedence over the topic of the Feasts. However, the LORD saw fit to rearrange my plans so that the feasts would fall on their own week.

I'm SO excited that we read about the Feasts this week! For those of you who have never studied the Feasts, get ready to learn some amazing things. However, I'm not going to dig in all that deep, I'm just going to give you a taste of why these things are so significant, in hopes that you will start studying more of this topic on your own.

Leviticus 23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts.

You may notice the word convocations and wonder what it means. The word convocation is miqra in the Hebrew and it literally means "assembly" or "rehearsal". So you could read this like this...

Leviticus 23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy rehearsals, these are My feasts.

So, the first thing the LORD wants us to know about these Feasts are that they belong to the LORD.

They do not belong to the

children of Israel,

but to the LORD and

those who worship Him.

And the second thing He wants us to know is that they are Holy rehearsals.

This begs the question,

what are they rehearsals for?

The first 4 feasts we read about today come in the Spring: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits & Pentecost. You may recognize Passover as the time of year when Jesus was crucified and Pentecost as the time when the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples. Those 2 feasts, along with Unleavened Bread & First Fruits were all fulfilled in the first coming of Jesus.

Each feast down to the very

day and hour was perfectly fulfilled

in Christ's death and Resurrection

and in the giving of the Holy Spirit to us.

Jesus Died on Passover - He was the Sacrificial Lamb

He was Buried on Unleavened Bread - A Sinless Sacrifice

He rose from the Dead on First Fruits - He is the First Fruits of the Resurrection

The Holy Spirit Came on Pentecost - 3000 Jews where brought into the Kingdom when Peter preached in the power of the Spirit

Are you getting excited yet? How amazing is it the the LORD gives us feast to celebrate, He says they are for anyone who worships Him, and then He fulfills four of them in His death, burial, resurrection and giving of the Holy Spirit? I love it!

At this point you may be wondering about the other 3 feasts. This is where it gets really exciting! The last 3 feast take place in the Fall, and they are YET to be fulfilled! I'm not going to write much on these 3 feast, because Daniel has covered them in other posts and I will link those below so you can dig a bit deeper. However, the one that excites me the most is the Feast of Trumpets, primarily because it is the next Feast to be be fulfilled. I can't wait to see how the LORD moves when He returns to call us home!

Here is a graphic that outlines the basics of the feasts, when they were fulfilled or when they will most likely be fulfilled.

This Graphic is taken from a Slideshare presentation on the Blood Moon Tetrad of 2014-2015. Click Here to see the whole slide show.

*For further reading on the Blood Moons, see this Blog Post Daniel wrote in 2015 about this topic

Well, I hope I wet your appetite, both for today's scripture reading and for deeper study into this topic. If you are wanting to know more here is a link to Daniel's blog post with some more information on the Feast of Trumpets.

As always, I hope that this weeks reading blesses you and that you have a very Merry Christmas week!

*You will see in this video that I had plans to come back and read more, however, I wasn't anticipating Holiday traffic and I didn't make it home in time. So, this week's reading is short again. However, it sets us up perfectly to start back up with hour readings next week on Monday, December 30th. I'm excited to continue this Journey with you.

Author: Abigail Escobedo


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