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On Israel's 71st Birthday The US Embassy Moves to Jerusalem, Protests Break Out in Gaza Strip

Updated: Jan 8, 2020

May 14th, 2018 - a very eventful day, marked by joy, tragedy, and shifts in international relationships.

Hamas is a terrorist group operating in the Gaza Strip region, and is funded and ultimately controlled by the country of Iran. So, as you follow news in the Middle East, whenever we see 'Hamas,' we should think 'Iran.' Knowing who the players are is very important as we watch for prophetic events to happen, especially when those players will participate in the upcoming Gog and Magog conflict.

Amir Tsarfati, reporting on the day:

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Meanwhile, Russia (the land of Magog in scripture) has moved into Damascus, Syria; the hotspot for modern Bible prophecy. Isaiah 17 tells us that Damascus will be completely destroyed in the days leading up to Christ's return.

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Turkish and Russian leadership is not happy about the events of the day. According to, President Erdogan of Turkey views the violent protests on Israel's border as "a genocide" of Palestinians.

“Turkey will react to this harshly.” -President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


The act of recalling ambassadors from a country can be a sign of cutting ties with that country. It can be a prelude to war.


The next day, of course, the media jumped all over Israel for defending herself. There was no mention of the poor and desperate people of Gaza being paid to rush the fence, with terrorists planting landmines among them.

The mainstream narrative doesn't really make sense to me. It seems to say that, on the day of the opening of the US embassy, when the eyes of the entire world are on Israel, the Jewish state decides that excessive force needs to be demonstrated at the border for no good reason. Um, what? Right away, red flags go up for me.

If Israel was in the wrong, and could have easily used less lethal options, it would have benefited them to do so. Public opinion seems to be turning in Israel's favor, at least on the world stage. Anyone in their position would want to keep that going, if only for selfish reasons. The mainstream narrative is essentially telling us that Israel is working against its own interests, which I find difficult to believe. This next bit of news is just incredible.

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Hamas' co-founder actually admitted to Al Jazeera (a major, independently funded Arabic television station) that the protests on the 14th of May were not peaceful at all. Apparently, he didn't think that the news story would get much coverage outside of the Middle East. The video has been taken down now, but I watched it for myself and the article is accurate in what it states.

In other news, Jewish rabbis see the embassy move as prophetically significant, as well as an integral part of building the third temple. They believe this will usher in the time of the promised messiah, but we know from the Bible that it won't be Jesus who sits on the throne proclaiming himself to be God, but rather the Antichrist!

For that day [the Day of the Lord] will not come, unless the rebellion [or departure] comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. ~2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

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