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Updated: Dec 2, 2022

As some of you may have noticed, I'm very much anticipating the return of the Lord and the rapture of the church. I want to clarify a few things. :)

I'm not telling you that the rapture has to happen this year. Setting or predicting rapture dates has never been my thing, though I do believe that God has shown us the season of the rapture being during the annual Feast of Trumpets **some year.** We can't know which year for sure outside of some special revelation, something I don't claim to have. Yet I know the rapture is close because of the physical signs Jesus commanded His followers to watch for beginning to converge acutely, especially this year.

My goal is (and has always been) to urge anyone who will listen to get ready to meet the Lord face to face. We need to get right with the Lord and do our best to reconcile with the people around us! We need to truly repent and believe the gospel. I would rather tell you about the signs and seasons, be misunderstood, and have another year pass than to not sound the alarm only to discover later that it was the real thing too late. All that matters to me is having a clear conscience when I stand at the throne of Christ, having loved others more than my own reputation. It takes my breath away to think that moment may only be a few days away.

Some may push back, saying something like this: "No one knows the day or the hour of Christ's return, because that's what Jesus said. Why are you talking about appointed times if that's true?" Well, if you haven't had a chance, I would encourage you to read this article I wrote on that very topic. It addresses how we can know that Jesus was not talking about the timing of end time events, as well as what He actually did mean. Throughout the Bible, divine judgment falls unexpectedly, but not because of a lack of information: it's always connected to unbelief that the judgment will actually happen:

For more on the appointed times:

Testing All Things

That being said, in the early days of the church, the apostle Paul was preaching the gospel. It was a teaching that few people knew about at the time, so it was tested with the scriptures by the Bereans:

Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. ~Acts 17:11

My hope is that you don't simply take my word that there are special prophetic dress rehearsals that occur every year. Or that "no one knows the day or the hour" is a very misapplied text. I want us to be modern day Bereans, searching the scriptures to see whether these things are true.

I don't think I'm beyond learning or that I know everything, and I continue to search the scriptures looking for the truth. If I'm thinking about eschatology (the study of end times) inaccurately, I want to be convinced of the truth.

Will you help me?

There will be times when I make mistakes and there will be ideas I don't think to consider. If you know something I post is slightly inaccurate or completely untrue, I would appreciate it if you let me know.

I want to be a person who has his views shaped by the evidence, and not one who only accepts evidence because it supports a view I already hold.

Letting God Be God

I won't be surprised if I'm seen by some as crazy, immature, or a distraction from true spirituality. But when all is said and done, when I step off from this earth and enter into the mystery of eternity, I'm not going to be standing in front of any one person. I'm going to be standing in front of Jesus Christ. At the end of the day I'm accountable to Him. He knows my heart perfectly well.

I don't need the rapture to happen this year (in the sense that I won't fall apart or be completely devastated if it doesn't happen). There's so much to do for the Lord and so much I have to look forward to. Each day and year that passes before being taken to heaven is such a gift and displays such patience on God's part toward those who don't know Him yet. After all, I used to be that way!

The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. ~2 Peter 3:9

I hope you know that I love you and am not trying to mislead you or disillusion you in regard to the end of the age. These things will happen, whether it's this year or another year. This is the reason I was born: to testify of the One who is the Truth and the only way to God, Jesus Christ. I do it because I used to be dead, but now have been made alive and strangely want to do things that don't really benefit me in this world. I have nothing to gain from these posts in an earthly sense. I'm not making any money or winning any popularity contests. I just really want my life to count for Jesus. I don't want to be ashamed at His coming.

I hope that all makes sense. If you have any questions or concerns, please message me.

I love you all, and Jesus loves you more.

Eagerly waiting for Him,



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